This is a level beyond a simple bill of sale, or SF form 97, 90% of the work to getting an on road title has been done. Beside the obvious that the vehicle can be used off road, it also means that if you want to drive the vehicle on the road, you will need to get it inspected by your local State DMV. All Military HMMWV’s start out the same, any HMMWV you see on the road or offered with a on road title, had to pass an inspection. Different states have different criteria, Because this is a Diesel vehicle certain states may require an emissions test, some states do not. The reason some vehicles fail to pass on the first attempt a DMV inspection is Safety equipment. Working lights, horn, brake lights, directional signal, mirror, windshield wipers, seat belts, tire ware, and so on. Air bags were not mandatory for 1992 vehicles, so you do not need airbags to be compliant.
Price: Auction
More info: Listing has ended. Click to search on eBay for similar Hummer. AM General (Affiliate link)
Location: Fort Myers, Florida, United States